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Did yousee this

artist statement

I am a theatre director/maker based in London with a keen focus on devised and collaborative work. I am particularly interested in work that is political and educational about the confusing and drowning issues in todays vast digital world. I am engaged by the methodologies of clowning, physical theatre, the post dramatic, and utilisation of the digital technologies. I am intrigued by these motives as the world has become slowly more difficult to revolt against injustice. Making theatre that speaks about these is a step into resolving them. For what its worth, I think it's worth a try. At the very least, it'll make you smile!

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𝒞𝖔Ꮷ𝔦 𝐉𝛂𝕢𝘶𝔢𐑈-


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This is me

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image of person sitting infront of glitching screen
(click image for more)

An interactive experience whereby the audience are the performance. 

A performance by Harbinger Theatre

At Camden Fringe 2024 August 5/6/7th

Tickets here: 

Harbinger Website:

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falling for it
person falling on slippery floor
(click image for more)
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person reading the news
(click image for more)
yellow plain full-sized a4 vertical pape

A clowning, verbatim performance video of a transphobic politician attempting to deliver a speech, but cant stop falling over. 

See it here:

blue paper full-sized a4 vertical paper stapled to a white wall, front view.png

An comedic and chaotic exploration of fake news within a growing digital world.

Performing 11th July at Camden People's Theatre.

Tickets here:

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This is epic!

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Production April 2022
A poignant and abstract performance about a man with dementia, exploring deterioration through 1920s song, and Mozart.
(click image for more)
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The Political Clown

Production November 2021
A solo performance about a clown attempting to get the vote of the audience.
(click image for more)
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It's not the end of the world

Production March 2021
A postdramatic reperformance of apocalypse movies.
(click image for more)
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Check out my archive on my youtube channel:

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Originally from the North West, my directing/theatre background starts like many others- in after school drama and dance clubs. I found myself drawn to helping out with ideas for school plays and writing my own work. In college I became Musical Director for all the musicals that would be put on, and joined set club to be as involved as possible. I began devising my own work, and at University did a degree in devising. I am now in the process of completing my Masters in Theatre Directing.

My work is often devised, as I enjoy work that is personal and political. My work is often bleak but Always funny. It speaks the truth but may lie to get there. It might confuse you in order for you to understand. 

I am co-artistic director at Harbinger Theatre, an emerging theatre company working in Immersive theatre audience experiences.I also do solo performances in the style of a clown, focussing specifically on highlighting the issues with the current government.My background of being a northern, working class, queer, trans artist shines through in each performance I make/direct. I am passionate about doing all that I can to educate and expose issues on behalf of the communities I find myself in. 

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this is me

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