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Updated: Jun 6

Recently, there has been many a contraversy in the musical theatre industry about the prices of tickets and underpaying of technicians in the industry. An example of this is the prices of the show 'COCK' currently on in the west end with some tickets being priced at £400, something that could easily pay for a holiday or a deposit on a new car, not usually for a one act, 1 and a half hour play. Their reasonings for such high prices were due to supply and demand of premium tickets at the end of this shows 12 week run. The top price reported for a premium ticket in the West End had been at London's most popular show 'Hamilton', a top price being £200. This being a almost 3 hour show, and this premium ticket having its benefits, the price of 'COCK' seems just too out of pocket.

'COCK' has been seen taking part in the ticket Lottery, giving £20 tickets away, as well as nearer the beginning of the run having many tickets at this low price. So why did they change it? Did they want to make the most profit before their run ended? Did they want to compete with other shows that have ridiculously high prices such as shows produced by Cameron Mackintosh? Or did they just want to make headlines in the news in hopes more tickets would be sold because of such attention? My opinion is the latter, as I can't imagine anyone actually willing to pay £400 to see a show, no matter how good the show may be. And so it raises a question that I will leave you to, What show would you be willing to spend £400 on? I am very intrigued by the answers to this, as my answer would probably be something like 'RENT' but with the original cast, or 'Hamilton' but with the original cast. Let me know.

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